Oh man, I am so excited...I have another nephew!! The little guy arrived October 7th, safe and healthy weighing in at 7lbs 7oz! His name is Barrett Cameron and he is the sweetest thing EVER! This is how the whole thing happened...I was almost asleep Wednesday night when my phone rang at precisely 10:51pm. It was my brother Brian asking if I could come over. I was "on call" for when it happened, so I could watch their two other kids, Noah and Holley. Luckily they were sleeping at this point because her labor was progressing so quickly that they had to leave the house about 5 minutes before I arrived. Two hours after labor began, Barrett was born! One of the best parts about it was waking the other little ones up the next morning and telling them their mom had the baby. Both of them had pretty different reactions when they found out it was a boy. Noah emphatically said "YES!" and did a little fist pump. Holley just said "Oh", followed by, "Now there are three boys." I think she was feeling a little out-numbered until about an hour later when Brian came home and reminder her that means that she's still the princess of the family. Later that day I ventured to the hospital to meet baby Bear. He is so perfect! Right now he's just a little bundle that sleeps and eats...I can't wait to watch him grow up! Here are a few pictures from his birthday...

Every good and perfect gift is from above...James 1:17
How beautiful are they!! Oh my gosh!