Ok y'all, so here's what's up! It's so cold outside that they actually cancelled school tomorrow, because of the cold! Whhhat?! I mean, I found out at 6pm that I wouldn't have to work tomorrow (insert celebratory fist pump!) and boy am I excited! So excited that I actually updated my facebook status, which happens approximately once a month...so yeah, I'd say that's a big deal! I think one of the big reasons that I'm excited is because all of my friends and family in the South got a whole week off of school and a couple days off of work for the snow storm of the century that happened earlier this month...jealous much? Yes sir! Now if you've spent any time in the South you know that when snow is in the forecast, a trip to the grocery store in is order. What is on the list you might ask? The answer is three things: milk, eggs, and bread. Because if you're gonna be snowed in, you definitely should rely on perishables, right? I mean, it never made much sense to me but I do love French Toast, so I'll go with it. I knew I was not in the South however when I went to the store today and there were abundant amounts of all three to be had. Oddly enough, the only thing I really wanted which was mint chocolate chip ice cream was sold out instead! So, in Colorado when we have a "Cold Day" because of a Wind Chill Warning (that is no joke y'all!), we buy ice cream!! In addition to buying ice cream, we plan to throw cups of both hot and cold water in the air just to see what happens (I'll let you know how that turns out, I know you're intrigued!) So expect another post, even tomorrow perhaps because I want to tell y'all about some of my super cool friends that are in a band that just released an EP on Saturday. Check back, I promise it won't be another two weeks before I post again.

(Sold in most stores, except grocery stores in the South when there is a pending snow storm!)
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