It's that time of year again...time to pack a shoe box for Operation Christmas Child! Operation Christmas Child is a ministry of the organization Samaritan's Purse, that provides Christmas gifts (whatever you can fit in a shoe box) to children in need around the world. Their specific mission is, "To demonstrate God's love in a tangible way to needy children around the world, and together with the local church worldwide, to share the Good News of Jesus Christ." I love this program for so many reasons. In our culture of consumerism, that glorifies our desire for things and feeds the need for instant gratification, I think it is easy for us to take for granted the simple things in life. For a few dollars, you can pack a shoe box for a child in need, and in turn make a huge impact in their life. The Samaritan's Purse website has logistical information including suggestions of items to pack in your box, and a place to search by zip code to find a drop-off location near. You can choose to pack one for either a boy or girl, and in the age ranges of 2-4, 5-9, or 10-14. Also, include a $7.00 donation that will be used to ship the box to designated areas across the world. National collection week is November 15th-22nd, so you still have a couple of weeks to get a box together. The best part of all is that these children and their families will have an opportunity to hear the Gospel in their native awesome is that?!

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