On our way out of Portland, we took a little detour to see Multnomah Falls. Multnomah Falls is the second highest year-round waterfall in the United States and it is such a cool sight. It sits just off the interstate and is quite the tourist destination. There are several nearby hikes and it even has its own visitor's center. After checkin out the falls we headed to Boise, Idaho. When I think of Idaho I can't help but think of two things: the movie Napoleon Dynamite, and the blue artificial turf at Boise State's football stadium. Oh yeah...and potatoes! I was hoping to see something like the world's largest potato, but really I just saw a bunch of fields and wind turbines. There were some beautiful valleys along the Teton Scenic Byway but other than that, Idaho is nothin to get excited about. I can vouch for that fact that people do in fact live there though, in case you were wondering! Now on to the real destination, Jackson Hole! Jackson Hole is a place that I've always wanted to visit and was super excited about this opportunity to check it out, as well as to see the Grand Tetons. One thing you should expect if you ever plan on staying the night in Jackson, is to spend a ridiculous amount of money for a room. Furthermore, lower your expectations regarding the type of room you will get because if I learned one thing in Jackson it's that you don't get even half of what you pay for. Case in point: El Rancho Motel. Now that was quite the experience! It was one of the few rooms left in the entire town and we were told by the lady on the phone prior to arrival that it was a small room but that it is like an actual hotel, so at this point we had no idea what to expect. When we arrived in Jackson we checked in at the Anvil Motel and were told that our room was actually around the corner and down the alley at El Rancho. So with legitimate room key in hand (no plastic key cards here folks!) we found our room at the El Rancho, seriously contemplated buying a tent and camping instead, and then sucked it up and handed over the $80 some odd dollars plus tax for one of the only rooms left in Jackson Hole. The next day, with Colorado callin our names we hit the road and made a detour at the Grand Tetons. They are seriously breathtaking, and well worth the trip. If you ever get a chance, go! I can assure you it will be worth it. Our drive through the rest of Wyoming and back to Colorado was uneventful, but I've included a few pics from the falls, Tetons, etc. Hopefully I can get some more off of Sierra's camera to give you a better idea of the true El Rancho experience! Enjoy!

I had to include a couple professional pics just to show how ridiculously awesome this place is. I didn't get to see this barn but how cool is it?!
At El Rancho "You're a stranger here but once!" And...I'm pretty sure those are bullet holes in that sign. Does it get any more "old west" than that? I'm pretty sure the answer is no, it does not!
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